Different Forms of Oppression (Isms) Must be Defined and Connected to Our Existing Sex Education System.
A Core Boundary for Youth Sexual Health Education
These core boundaries create a foundation for youth sexual health education that is inclusive, accessible, anti-oppressive, and rooted in pleasure and joy. These core boundaries are imperative to the overall framing of this report and are the bedrock from which liberation and transformation of sexual health education is possible.
Sexual health and sex education exist within a modern context rooted in colonialism, capitalism, racism, heteronormativity, ableism, classism, and other forms of oppression. For example, Colorado funding abstinence-only education reflects heteronormative and colonial values. While these concepts are understood by the Board, this understanding is not universal. To ensure readers are clear on the connections between sex education and oppressions, this report has defined these connections and provided specific examples of the impact that such systems of oppression have had upon the sexual health field.
The blog series provided below explores questions such as how does capitalism impact sex education? If we believe sex education is rooted in colonialism, what does that mean? We exist in a world where we understand that capitalism and colonialism are harmful; however, in other spaces these concepts are seen as positive. Research produced by Consulting Within Your Context for the isms blog series provides an introduction to how these oppressive systems have impacted sexual health and is a thoughtful start to learning and acknowledging the oppressions that young people with intersecting marginalized identities have had to endure for generations.
If we are to dream of a new way of showing up in the field of youth sexual health that is centered in anti-oppressive practices, polices and interactions, we must start by learning this history in order to develop action and change that addresses the harms these forms of oppression have on sexual health and education.
This research is only the beginning and Trailhead is committed to further exploring stories that have not been emphasized or told. Furthermore, the anti-oppressive recommendations for action developed by the Board begin to rectify our nation’s history of oppression through policy and action that redresses the harm that these systems of oppression have on young people’s sexual health.

Exploring the Systems of Oppression that Impact Sex Education and Sexual Health
The purpose of this series is to build a shared understanding of the ways in which isms have created sexual health education and continue to impact it through an understanding of our history and through the lens of youth artwork.